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Friday, May 07, 2010

Purpose of computer lab

I am revisiting the reason why I wanted to help build and maintain this computer network for the church. It is meant to be an out reach program and I cannot handle it alone. "In life, we are given a talent and we are meant to share it with other people."

The network will:

Service the community with internet access for job searches
Service the children in school to work on their homework
Provide computer technical support to other offices and ministries on the church campus.


Restrictions will be enforced on what type of websites they can access
The Computer Lab is not a place to do a start up business, but it can be a place of learning

Update 4-22-2011:

Supporting Operations:

This project also supports the operations part of the organization.  Some of the issues that have to be addressed is documentation, knowledge transfer, training, and finding willing people to help.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

No Internet Connectivity Network

8:00 PM, reported no internet connectivity since noon on Monday. Restarted routers and still no connection. Need to stop by in the morning to more checking.